Wireless Smart Utility Network (WI-SUN) Workshop
In cooperation with NICT the WPMC2014 conference organisers are pleased to offer an additional special WI-SUN workshop. Registration for the workshop is included in the normal WPMC2014 conference registration.
Delegates may also register for the WI-SUN workshop without attending WPMC2014. The registration fee for the WI-SUN workshop alone is $300. Click here to register for the WI-SUN workshop.
The WI-SUN workshop presents technologies and ongoing activities of Wireless Smart Utility Network(Wi-SUN).
The workshop will be held on Tuesday 9th September by including the following two slots:
13:30-15:00 Presentation slot
15:30-17:00 Panel discussion slot
Presentation slot
All presenters are members of Wi-SUN alliance( http://www.wi-sun.org). The presenter will introduce Wi-SUN alliance by including the international Wi-SUN activities.
Panel discussion slot
At panel discussion, some of Wi-SUN alliance members will discuss on Wi-SUN related future radio technologies and services that can includes M2M, IoT, WSN, Smart-Grid and other topics, by welcoming the local speakers; professors, researchers and engineers on those fields.
All the speakers and panelists will need to register to WPMC.
The registration fee, AUD300 is for those participants who are attending the special session only. WPMC registrants are free to join the special workshop.
Abstracts or presentation materials of special session will not to be included in WPMC proceedings