The first WPMC1998 was held in November 4-6, 1998 in Yokosuka, Japan.
Official WEB site of WPMC1998 has already been closed.
The first WPMC1998 was held in YRP Hall of YRP No.1 Building, and the Banquet was held at the Yokosuka Prince Hotel in Yokosuka City. The symposium opreration was done by staffs of CRL Yokosuka Research Center (present NICT Yokosuka) .
In the 1st WPMC1998, program consists of 6 keynote presentations, 83 presentations in 16 technical sessions on W-CDMA, ITS etc., and a special workshop of present status and recent results of FRAMES projects.
With the strong cooperation of Professor Ramjee PRASAD and Professor Hideki IMAI, and their respective partners, the first WPMC was to obtain the 270 participants and achieved the unexpected great success.

1998/11/04 The first WPMC1998@YRP

1998/11/05 The first WPMC Banquet@Yokosuka Prince Hotel