WPMC2001 Aalborg Denmark

The 4th WPMC2001 was held in September 9-12, 2001 in Aalborg Denmark.
Official WEB site of WPMC2001 has already been closed.
The following information is cited from YRP News (No.21, November 2001)

The 4th WPMC2001 was held in Aalborg, Denmark, in September 9-12,which was a great success, drawing more than 400 participants from approximately 30 countries. From Japan, researchers and engineers were not alone who joined the symposium. YRP Promotion Committee and YRP R&D Committee alco sent delegations to the symposium. The total number of the Japanese participants reaches neraly 100.

The symposium was opened on Monday, September 10 by her Royal Highness, Princess Alexandra of Denmark, the patroness of WPMC2001. Then, on behalf of the symposium organizers, YRP R&D Committee President Hatori and CRL President Iida extended their greetings to the participants, followed by the speeches of distinguished guests, MPHPT parliamentary Secretary, Kageyama and Yih-Jeou Wang, Head of Division, Ministry of information Technology and research, Denmark.

The symposium includes 6 keynote speeches, 177 technical presentations, 92 poster presentations, 6 panel sessions, and 10 tutorial sessions, in each of which there was active interchange among participants on the advanced wireless communication technologies. MPHPT Telecommunications Bureau Radio Department, Director General Kito made a presentation on “next-generation on Mobile Communication Systems discussed in Japan,” to share the current Japanese efforts to realize the latest generation mobile systems, which highly attracted the audience’s attention.

This WPMC2001 was supported by MPHPT, Danish Embassy, Aalborg University (WPMC General Chair Professor Pradad, Technical committee Chair, Professor Anderson), NOVI Science Park (a Memorandum of Understanding with YRP in technological exchange in January  2001). 


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