The original official WEB site of WPMC2013 has already been closed.
This site is quoted from YRP WEB site with some modifications.
From June 24 to 27, 2013, the 16th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC’13) was co-hosted by YRP R&D Promotion Committee (YRP) and National Institutes of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) in Atlantic City, NJ, U.S.A.
The WPMC ’13 received 220 paper submissions, out of which 147 were accepted, and two keynote and 11 invited speeches were given during the event.

This time the “WPMC ’13” was held in cooperation with Princeton University and NIKSUN Inc. under the main theme of “Green and Secure Information Communication Technology,” and three other conferences related to wireless communications, “Wireless VITAE,” “PRISMS,” and “WWSMC” was held concurrently. Together with “WPMC ’13,” these conferences were collectively called “Global Wireless Summit (GWS ’13).”
Signboard for GWS ‘13
WPMC2013 Opnenig Ceremony
Grand Opening Ceremony
The event started on Monday, June 24, when tutorial sessions were held all day long, and in the evening, Welcome Reception was held at the beach area in front of the hotel.
Then, in the morning of June 25, the GWS ‘13 Grand Opening Ceremony was held in the Ballroom “Traymore” collecting approx. 300 participants. At first, Dr. Parag Pruthi, Chairman & CEO of NIKSUN, USA, and Prof. H. Vincent Poor, Dean of School of Engineering and Applied Science, Princeton University, made welcome greetings as local organizers. Then, Prof. Dr. Ramjee Prasad, Director of Center for TeleInfrastruktur, Aalborg University, Denmark, made a greeting as one of the WPMC Co-Chair to introduce that WPMC was born in YRP in 1998 and that it continues under the strong leadership of NICT. During his speech, he invited other WPMC Co-Chairs, Prof. Dr. Hideki Imai, Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo, and Dr. Shingo Ohmori, Vice President of YRP R&D Promotion Committee (President of YRP International Alliance Institute / Former Vice President of NICT) on the stage to introduce them to the audience. After that, on behalf of Dr. Masao Sakauchi, President of NICT, who was unable to attend the symposium for other commitment, Dr. Naoto Kadowaki, Senior Executive Director of NICT, went up on the stage to read Dr. Sakauchi’s welcome message as one of the organizers, and then, Prof. Dr. Mitshutoshi Hatori, Chairman of YRP R&D Promotion Committee, gave a welcome address as another organizer of WPMC ’13.
Left: Dr. Pruthi, NIKSUN / Middle: Prof. Poor, Princeton Univ. /
Right: WPMC Co-Chairs; Prof. Dr. Imai, Prof. Dr. Prasad, Dr. Ohmori
Left: Dr. Kadowaki, NICT / Right: Prof. Dr. Hatori, YRP
Group Photo at the end of Opening Ceremony
Award Banquet WPMC2013 (Gala Dinner )
In the evening of June 26, Gala Dinner was held at Ocean Ballroom. After the remarks from other representatives, Dr. Fumihiko “Tom” Tomita, Vice President of NICT, introduced Japanese traditional customs, “Ippon-jime” and “Sanbon-Jime,” which are both ceremonial rhythmic hand clapping performed to bring the occasion to a peaceful and lively close, and it created a friendly atmosphere among the dinner participants.? In the final part of the dinner, “WPMC ’13 Best Papers” were announced by Dr. Ashutosh Dutta (AT&T), Technical Program Committee Chair.? 3 papers respectively wan the “Best Paper Awards” and “Best Student Paper Awards,” and the authors of the papers were invited on the stage to receive certificates and commemorative gifts from Dr. Hatori, Chairman of YRP R&D Promotion Committee.
Dr. Fumihiko Tomita, NICT
Group photo of the Award winners and representatives of GWS’13
WPMC ’13 Best Paper Awards
WPMC ’13 Best Paper (Regular) : Awarded papers and Authors
- Analysis of Coverage Range Expansion in Closed Access Cognitive Femtocell Networks,
Faisal Tariq, Laurence S Dooley, Adrian Poulton (The Open University, United Kingdom) - SmartCampus: A user-centric testbed for Internet of Things experimentation, Michele Nati (University of Surrey, Guildford, UK), Alexander Gluhak, Hamidreza Abangar, William Headley (University of Surrey, UK)
- BER Performance Improvement for OFDM DF Infrastructure Relay Links, Enis Kocan, Milica Pejanovic-Djurisic (University of Montenegro, Montenegro)
WPMC ’13 Best Paper(Student) : Awarded papers and Authors
- On the Use of Okumura-Hata Propagation Model on Railway Communications, Nuno Cota (Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Portugal), Antonio Serrador (Instituto Superior Tecnico, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal), Pedro Vieira (Instituto de Telecomunicacoes and ISEL, Portugal), Ana Beire(Refer Telecom ? Servicos de Telecomunicacoes and ISEL, Portugal), Antonio J. Rodrigues (IT / Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal)
- Analysis of RoF-Echo Effect on OFDM Signal Transmission with EPWM Format, Xiaoxue Yu, Motoharu Matsuura, Yasushi Yamao (The University of Electro-Communications, Japan)
- A Multi-Carrier Scheduling Algorithm for LTE-Advanced, Alexandru Vulpe, Octavian Fratu (University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania), Albena Mihovska, Ramjee Prasad (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Keynote Speech
- “Statistical Communication Theory 3.0 in the Cyber World”
Prof. K. C. Chen, NTU EE/GICE Professor and IEEE Fellow, Taiwan - “Practical Consistence between Bit-Error and Block-Error Performance Metrics up to Application Layer QoS ? Microwave Link Example”
Prof. Vlatko Lipovac, Vice-Rector, University of Dubrovnik, Croatia
Playing the primary role to serve as the venue for the international exchange for researchers, WPMC ’13 ended in a great success on the final day on June 27. We greatly appreciate for the tremendous efforts and hard works of the people concerned both in Japan and the United States, which had brought this event to a great success. We hope to see you again in the next event.
Atrantic City
Symbolic 7km-long-Boardwalk in Atlantic City
Atlantic City is a resort city known for the 7km-long-boardwalk alongside the beach and casino. During the period, the city was attacked by unusually intense heat for the final week of June; however, the symposium venue, Bally’s Hotel, was much more heated up by excellent paper presentations and lively discussions among participants. This year, the WPMC ’13 received 220 paper submissions, out of which 147 were accepted, and two keynote and 11 invited speeches were given during the event.