Toutorial 1 – LPWAN for the Internet of Things: Framework, Optimization, and Challenges of LoRaWAN and NB-IoT

Low-Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) have recently gained considerable attention in the Internet of Things (IoT). The key objective of these wireless technologies is to connect low-power devices over very large areas, with low data rates. LPWANs are promising for various emerging IoT applications, complementing the traditional cellular and short-range technologies.
In this tutorial, we present the recent advances in LPWAN technologies with focus on LoRaWAN and NB-IoT. We analyse the link level and system level design aspects. We further focus on link budget analysis and radio network dimensioning for both LoRaWAN and NB-IoT. Precisely, we present best practices in the network design and deployment of these technologies. Acquiring such best practices is of paramount importance for the engineering and optimization of LPWANs. We also provide a comparative scientific analysis of the performance of LoRaWAN and NB-IoT in terms of coverage and capacity.
Finally, we cover the research directions and scientific challenges in these technologies. Particularly, we present research directions for radio resource management in both LoRaWAN and NB-IoT.
Objectives and Motivation:
Our tutorial sheds light on the recent advances in LPWAN technologies for IoT. We answer the following crucial questions related to the design, performance evaluation, and challenges of LPWAN: How do LPWAN complement traditional cellular and short-range wireless technologies? What are the fundamental mechanisms that enable to meet the LPWAN requirements? What are the major design choices made in the LoRaWAN and NB-IoT specifications? How do we evaluate the performance of a LoRaWAN and NB-IoT deployment in terms of coverage and capacity? What are the recent research directions for radio resource management in LoRaWAN and NB-IoT?
Our approach fills the gap in the state-of-the-art by introducing a set of generic building blocks that enable to meet the LPWAN requirements. We provide an overview on the two major technologies in LPWAN, namely LoRaWAN and NB-IoT, covering the radio interface, and the physical and protocol architectures. Participants will acquire deep understanding of the major design principles of both technologies and how they integrate the generic building blocks of LPWAN. Our approach is supported by novel results on path loss models and original use cases with numerical computations comparing the performance of LoRaWAN and NB-IoT in terms of coverage and capacity. We also provide a comprehensive scientific overview on the state-of-the-art and the promising research perspectives for radio resource management in LPWANs. This overview is of paramount importance for researchers to get a classification of the approaches, tools, and latest research results related to LoRaWAN and NB-IoT.
Timelines and Intended Audience:
Low-Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) represent a novel wireless communication paradigm, which will complement traditional cellular and short-range wireless technologies in addressing diverse requirements of IoT applications. LPWANs are attracting a lot of attention primarily because of their ability to offer large coverage and long battery life operating devices. Machina Research (2016) expects 11 percent of IoT connections in 2025 to use LPWAN technologies. This tutorial is of strong interest to the WPMC community working in the fields of communications technology. First,
engineers and professionals will benefit from an overview on the two major technologies in LPWAN, namely LoRaWAN and NB-IoT. They will acquire deep understanding of the major design choices of both technologies, and best practices in link budget analysis for capacity and coverage planning. Second, academic and industry researchers will benefit from a scientific overview on the state-of-the-art, and the promising research perspectives for radio resource management in LPWANs. Finally, graduate students will benefit from a technology overview on the radio interface, and the physical and protocol architectures for LoRaWAN and NB-IoT. This tutorial is accessible to a broad audience in the WPMC community as it only requires familiarity with communication and networking concepts.
Outline of the Tutorial and the topics the speakers will cover:
Services and applications that foster low power wide area networks; Samer Lahoud
Architecture and characteristics of low power wide area networks; Samer Lahoud
LoRaWAN design rationale – how LoRaWAN meets LPWAN requirements, in terms of device complexity and cost, coverage, power consumption, capacity, and network topology and deployment?; Melhem El Helou
NB-IoT design rationale – how NB-IoT leverages and adapts 3GPP LTE infrastructure and mechanisms to meet LPWAN requirements?; Melhem El Helou
LoRaWAN specification: radio interface, physical architecture, protocol architecture; Samer Lahoud
NB-IoT standard: radio interface, physical architecture, protocol architecture; Melhem El Helou
Radio models and link budget analysis for LoRaWAN; Melhem El Helou
Radio models and link budget analysis for NB-IoT; Melhem El Helou
ALOHA based model for LoRaWAN dimensioning; Samer Lahoud
Bandwidth based dimensioning for NB-IoT; Samer Lahoud
Performance comparison of LoRaWAN and NB-IoT; Melhem El Helou
Research directions for radio resource management in LoRaWAN and NB-IoT; Samer Lahoud
The tutorial speakers:
Samer Lahoud, ESIB, Saint Joseph University of Beirut, Lebanon
Samer Lahoud is an Associate Professor at the Saint-Joseph University of Beirut where he lectures computer networking courses at the Faculty of engineering (ESIB). His research activities focus on routing and resource allocation algorithms for wired and wireless communication networks. He has co-authored more than 80 papers published in international journals and conference proceedings. Mr. Lahoud received the Ph.D. degree in communication networks from Telecom Bretagne, Rennes, in 2006. After his Ph.D. degree, he spent one year at Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs Europe. From 2007 to 2016, he was with the University of Rennes 1 and with IRISA Rennes as an Associate Professor.
Melhem El Helou, ESIB, Saint Joseph University of Beirut, Lebanon
Melhem El Helou received the engineer’s degree and master’s degree in telecommunications and networking engineering from the Ecole Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Beyrouth (ESIB), Faculty of Engineering at the Saint Joseph University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon, in 2009 and 2010, respectively and the Ph.D. degree in computer and telecommunications engineering from IRISA Research Institute, University of Rennes 1, Rennes, France and Saint Joseph University of Beirut, in 2014. He joined ESIB in September 2013 where he is currently an Assistant Professor (fr: Maître de conférences). His research interests include wireless networks, radio and energy resource management, Internet of Things, and quality of service.
Selected Publications:
R. El Chall, S Lahoud, and M El Helou, LoRaWAN Network: Radio Propagation Models and Performance Evaluation in Various Environments in Lebanon, accepted for publication in IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
M. Yassin, S. Lahoud, K. Khawam, M. Ibrahim, D. Mezher, and B. Cousin, Centralized versus decentralized multi-cell resource and power allocation for multiuser OFDMA networks, In Computer Communications, volume 107, 2017.
S. Lahoud, K. Khawam, S. Martin, G. Feng, Z. Liang, and J. Nasreddine, Energy Efficient Joint Scheduling and Power Control in Multi-Cell Wireless Networks, In IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), volume 34, 2016.
M. El Helou, S. Lahoud, M. Ibrahim, K. Khawam, B. Cousin, and D. Mezher, A Hybrid Approach for Radio Access Technology Selection in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, In Wireless Personal Communications, volume 86, 2016.
K. Khawam, S. Lahoud, M. Ibrahim, M. Yassin, S. Martin, M. El Helou, and Farah Moety, Radio access technology selection in heterogeneous networks, In Physical Communication, Special Issue on Radio Access Network Architectures and Resource Management for 5G, volume 18, Part 2, 2016.
M. El Helou, M. Ibrahim, S. Lahoud, K. Khawam, D. Mezher, and B. Cousin, A Network-Assisted Approach for RAT Selection in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks, In IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications – Special Issue on Recent Advances in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks (JSAC), volume 33, 2015.
Toutorial 2 – Software Defined Networking Application Development

Tutorial Length:
Software Defined Networking (SDN) has now become the preferred option for managing today’s large heterogeneous networks, because of the flexibility that it offers over traditional networks. SDN applications can replace and/ or extend the functionalities implemented in the underlying hardware devices of a conventional network.
SDN includes a gamut of network technologies, which increases the network’s flexibility and agility. It is beneficial to the virtualized server as well as storage infrastructure. The network policy and forwarding planes of SDN makes the network directly programmable. It is a centralized approach to network management, where the underlying network infrastructure is abstracted from applications. SDN applications are in mainly in cloud computing or mobile networks.
This tutorial is intended for the developers who are new to SDN application development. It will help in upskilling the audience with SDN concepts and will provide a step-by-step guide on writing SDN applications using POX controller along with demonstration and hands-on sessions. It will also provide an opportunity to share knowledge and exchange information with the experts working in this domain and thus foster collaborations.
Outline of the Tutorial:
Detailed outline is as follows:
1. Fundamentals of SDN – 20 mins
– Architecture and components
– In depth discussion on management plane for SDN applications
2. Introduction to SDN Controllers and protocols – 30 mins
– POX, OpenDayLight and other controllers
– OpenFlow protocol
3. Mininet walkthrough – 30 mins
– Overview and usage
– Start-up options
– CLI commands
– API examples
4. OpenFlow protocol – 60 mins
– SDN and OpenFlow
– OpenFlow Messages
– Functionalities- flow table, group table and meter table
– Demonstration/hands-on
5. SDN application development – 90 mins
– Setup and configuration
– Basic steps of writing an SDN application
– Sample applications
– Demonstration/hands-on
6. Summary and discussion – 10 mins
Intended Audience:
Researchers, developers, students, network administrators and others interested in this domain
Audience Prerequisites:
Participants need to bring their laptops with at least 10GB free disk space, 4 GB RAM and VirtualBox installed. They will be provided with an “.ova” file which will contain all necessary software and applications that will be discussed in the tutorial.
Importance and Timelines of the Tutorial:
State-of-the-art in networking domain clearly indicates the demand of network softwarization to manage complex networks of the future. SDN applications are an important component in this evolution. So, there has been an increasing focus on developing SDN applications.
Network behaviour can be influenced by the Management/Application plane and that is where the Application development comes into the picture. There is an enormous potential of innovation in playing-around with management-plane-applications, provided the underlying hardware supports it. Changing networks dynamically is possible using applications which are running on top of the SDN controller. Many network functions have been softwarized such as firewall, learning switches etc. More such applications can be developed and existing applications can be enhanced. In order to do this, one must be familiar with SDN application development.
SDN application development is a key topic of interest in 2018. The tutorial will provide valuable insight into the domain of SDN Application Development and will appeal to the combined audience of researchers, students, participants who are novice in SDN and industry participants at WPMC 2019
Prior history of tutorial presentation:
Part of this tutorial have previously been presented at the IEEE TENSYMP 2017.
Tutorial Speaker(s):
Dr. Shailaja Chandrakant Patil
Dr. Shailaja Patil is currently working as Professor in Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, and Dean (Reseach and Development) at Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering, Pune, India. She has 22 years of teaching and 3 years of research experience.
The Doctorate of Philosophy in Computer Engineering has been conferred upon her by Saradar Vallabhbhai Patel Natioal Institute of Technology, Surat. Her resaerch focused on “Statistical Techniques in Localization and Tracking using Wireless Sensor Network”. Her PhD candidates are pursuing research in IOT and 5G networks, VLSI, and Image Processing. She has developed various courses syllabi including Computer Networks, Wireless Sensor Neteworks, Wireless Networks, Internet of Things and Software Defined Networking. She has delivered expert lectures on WSN, SDN at various workshops. She has authored various book chapters and books. She has more than 60 publications in International, Journals and Conferences. She has fetched funding from SPPU and AICTE for Research in WSN and IoT. She is a Fellow of Institution of Engineers and member of various professional bodies- IEEE, ISTE, GISFI, ISA, ACM. She also holds a PG Diploma in “Intellectual Property Rights” from Nalsar Law University where she has been trained on dealing with different aspects of IPR.
Selected Publications:
1. S. C. Wagaj & S. C. Patil, “Dual material gate silicon on insulator junctionless MOSFET for low power mixed signal circuits, International Journal of Electronics, , 106:7, 992-1007, 2019 DOI: 10.1080/ 00207217.2019. 1570564
2. Risil Chhatrala, Shailaja Patil, Swapnil Lahudkar and D.V. Jadhav, “Sparse Multilinear Laplacian Discriminant Analysis for Gait Recognition”, Pattern Analysis and Applications, Springer, [ISSN: 1433-7541] https://link.springer. com/ content /pdf/10.1007%2Fs10044-017-0648-1.pdf
3. Dhanvijay, M.M., Patil, S.C., “Internet of Things: A survey of enabling technologies in healthcare and its application,” Computer Networks, Sciencedirect, Vol. 153, 2019, Pp. 113-131, ISSN 1389-1286, 2019.03.006. (
4. S. C. Wagaj & S. C. Patil, “Nanoscale shielded channel dual gate stack silicon on nothing junctionless transistor for improving short channel effect and analog performance, International Journal of Electronics Letters , Taylor and Francis, (2019), DOI: 10.1080/21681724.2019.1570552
5. S C Wagaj, Shailaja Patil, Y.V. Chavan, “ Performance Analysis of Schielded Channel Double Gate Junctionless and Junction MOS-Transistor” International Journal of Electronics Letters (Taylor & Francis) June 2017,PP. 1-12, 30 Apr 2017, Published online: 09 Jun 2017, /21681724.2017.1335785
6. S. Patil, A. Gupta, and M. Zaveri, “Recovery of lost target in Wireless Sensor Network,” Hindawi Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol.2, No.1, pp. 405-415
1. Feedback Control System, Satya Prakashan, New Delhi, 2004, Second Print 2012, ISBN: 81-7684-299-0
2. GAIT Based Human Identity Recognition, Lambart Publication 2019
3. Chapter on Intellectual Property Rights , Book- “Research Methodolgy”, CRC Press,
“Internet of things based smart farm application”
– App. No.201621019775
Design and implementation of nanoscale dual gate stack silicon on nothing junctionless transistor for improving short channel effect and performance
– App. No.201721026855
Method, apparatus and system for finding a square root of perfect square number
– App. No. 201921014084
Method, apparatus and system for finding two’s complement of an N bit number
– App. No. 201921014067
Sweta Venkatrao Anmulwar
Currently she is pursuing PhD at 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC), Information Communication System (ICS), University of Surrey, Guildford. Her research focuses on “Network requirements for 5G networks”. Sweta has a research experience of five years at Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC),Pune, India.
She has worked in the domain of Computer Networking, Software development and wireless communication. She is a key member in design and development of various software development projects like SDN Online Lab, Smart city, Traffic Generators and was actively involved in setting up of a test-bed for wireless mesh networks. She has delivered expert lectures on SDN at various institutes. She has conducted a tutorial on SDN at IEEE Tensymp-2017, IEEE SCES-2019 and faculty development programme on “SDN and OpenFlow”. She has completed M. Tech. (Wired and Wireless Communication) in 2014 from College of Engineering, Pune, India.
Papers published:
1. S. Anmulwar, S. Srivastava, S. P. Mahajan, A. K. Gupta and V. Kumar, “Rogue access point detection methods: A review,” International Conference on Information Communication and Embedded Systems (ICICES2014), Chennai, 2014, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/ICICES.2014.7034106
2. S. Srivastava, S. Anmulwar, A. M. Sapkal, T. Batra, A. K. Gupta and V. Kumar, “Comparative study of various traffic generator tools,” 2014 Recent Advances in Engineering and Computational Sciences (RAECS), Chandigarh, 2014, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/RAECS.2014.6799557
3. S. Srivastava, S. Anmulwar, A. M. Sapkal, T. Batra, A. Gupta and V. Kumar, “Evaluation of traffic generators over a 40Gbps link,” 2014 Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Aided System Engineering (APCASE), South Kuta, 2014, pp. 43-47. doi: 10.1109/APCASE.2014.6924469 [ BEST PAPER AWARD]
4. A. G. Patil, A. R. Surve, A. K. Gupta, A. Sharma and S. Anmulwar, “Survey of synthetic traffic generators,” 2016 International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT), Coimbatore, 2016, pp. 1-3. doi: 10.1109/INVENTIVE.2016.7823282
5. Poster on “Automated Empirical Tuning of Performance and Power Consumption using region (CPU, Memory, I/O) driven DVFS for HPC Scientific Workloads”, has been accepted and published in SC16 – The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. Link Page No:11
Invited Talks:
“Software Defined Networking and its use-cases” at College of Engineering, Pune in February and June, 2017.
Toutorial 3 – Radio Spectrum Challenges and Opportunities for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) including Future Wireless Technologies (FWT)

According to a recent assessment made by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), more than 850 million young population globally uses internet. At present, uses of internet by young people in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) is upto 35%, as against 23% globally. The mobile broadband users are likely to reach more than 5 billion globally by the end of this year. Making mobile broadband (commonly known as International Mobile Telecommunications-IMT), more affordable with huge widespread wireless-based networks, is a massive and challenging task.
Simultaneously, the next Industrial revolution, the Industry 4.0 will be based on smart technologies using huge bank of sensors, short range devices (SRDs)/ultra-wideband devices (UWB). It may be mentioned that for IMT including Mobile Broadband (MBB), Industry 4.0 applications and other wireless based devices for example Intelligent Transport System (ITS), all need radio spectrum for their operations. ITU, a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) is responsible for management of radio spectrum. The radio spectrum is allocated after detailed studies by different Study Groups and thereafter discussions at the World Radio Conferences (WRCs) held every 3-4 years. So far radio spectrum allocated, for IMT applications, are in 800 MHz, 700 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2 GHz and 3 GHz bands. It may be mentioned that in the aforesaid band (s), more than one ‘radio service’ can operate, and therefore, each application/technologies in a service area of operation (AoO) shall have to limit the number of frequencies to the minimum essential in order to provide a satisfactory existence of other service(s) by applying the latest technical advances and spectrum efficient techniques. The radio spectrum is fuel to more than forty radiocommunication services, to name few are: Mobile, Fixed, Fixed Satellite, Mobile Satellite, Broadcasting, Aeronautical, Maritime, and radio-navigation etc. The applications of RFS can be broadly categorized for: societal (public at large), commercial, security, and safety.
The World Radio Conference (WRC-15) considering the extensive demand of radio frequencies for existing and future wireless technologies, set out among others, relevant Agenda Items for WRC-2019 for future studies required for identification of new and additional harmonized spectrum for IMT, ITS, IoT and Railways for safety/security purposes.
In this Tutorial, the abovementioned aspects would be discussed in detail. It may be mentioned that WRC-2019 is scheduled to be held during 28 October to 22 November in Egypt. This WRC shall finalize its decisions/recommendations among other issues including on the above stated Agenda Items, which are relevant to this Talk. The outcome of this WRC would be studied/analysed, in two days’ time before start of scheduled 22nd International Symposium on WPMC from 24 to 27 November, and shall be appropriately and accordingly presented in the half-day Tutorial. The Tutorial will discuss and cover about Radio spectrum & its requirements for wide-range of ‘radio services’; ITU & its three sectors; ITU’s Radio Sector, Study Groups, WRC etc, ; radio spectrum management; Role of previous WRCs in allocation of radio spectrum for IMT applications; radio spectrum issues for Industry 4.0, ITS, IoT, UWBs etc; WRC-15 and its relevant resolutions in defining agenda items for WRC-19; Agenda items for WRC-19 and its final outcome on the relevant items.
Dr. Ashok Chandra
Dr. Ashok Chandra, former Wireless Adviser to the Government of India, Wireless Planning and Coordination (WPC) Wing, Ministry of Communications & Information Technology (MCIT), is an expert in the field of Radio Spectrum Management and Radio Mobile Communications. Dr. Chandra, an Indian Engineering Services (presently Indian Radio Regulatory Service-IRRS) officer, is Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Electronics and Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) in Radio Communications. He joined Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Government of India in the year 1977. Dr. Chandra was the Wireless Advisor to the Government of India since 2009 and has superannuated, after serving for about four years, from this post in the year 2012. He had played a pivotal role in drafting National Telecom Policy -2012. During his tenure as the Wireless Adviser, besides some major achievements, he formulated and released two public policy documents namely ‘National Frequency Allocation Plans (NFAPs) of 2009 and 2011’. He is recognized as leading expert and pioneer in the field of spectrum management and Radio Monitoring. Dr. Chandra has more than 30 research publications to his credit. Currently, he is an International Telecommunications Union (ITU)’s registered Expert on “Radio Spectrum Management”.
Dr. Chandra has been on deputation for over 7 years (January 1992 to March 1999) to the Technical Education Bureau of Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), Government of India. There he has been dealing with all the matters relating to All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc, Bangalore), Indian Institutes of Management, National Institutes of Technology and Institutes of Information Technology etc.
Post Retirement Activities:
a. Dr. Chandra was the Adjunct Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (India). He was responsible for ITU-Radio Sector related studies including deployment of radio spectrum for ICT applications. During this tenure, he guided Masters and PhD students in the areas of Radio Spectrum Engineering & Management (RSEM). He also taught several lecture series. Dr. Chandra has served as Guest Scientist at Aalborg and Aarhus Universities of Denmark. Further, Dr. Chandra was Guest Professor at Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT), Nagpur (India). There, he organizes Courses on ‘Radio Spectrum Engineering & Management’ for Master level Students and Training Programme on “Radio Spectrum Management”. Currently, he is Visiting/Guest Professor at three leading Technical Universities in India.
b. Services of Dr. Chandra were engaged by the Ministry of Communications & IT for preparing a Detailed Project Report (DPR) on the establishment of “Institute of Advanced Radio Spectrum Engineering and Management Studies (IARSEMS). The Report is available on
Professional Qualifications:
Dr. Chandra has worked as a Guest Scientist on DAAD Fellowship at the Institute of High Frequency Technology, Technical University (RWTH), Aachen (Germany) and Bremen University, Bremen (Germany), where he had undertaken series of research studies in the area of radio mobile communications. He had visited various technical Institutions and Universities abroad and took several lectures in radio communications. He has more than 30 research publications in the areas of EMI, Radio Propagation, radio spectrum studies and related areas.
Role in Ministry of Communications & IT:
Dr. Chandra served the WPC Wing since December 1977, in various capacities and rose to the position of the Wireless Adviser. WPC Wing is entrusted with the task of Planning & Coordination of the Radio Frequency Spectrum terrestrial and Geostationary Satellite Orbits (ICT). It has a co-ordinatory role in all the radio regulatory matters and ensures that the contending requirements of various wireless users in the country are kept within the overall framework of National/International interests. The WPC Wing looks after policy matters: of international importance; preparation of the national stand in international fora in co-operation with wireless users and various Ministries of the Government of India; interaction with International Telecommunication Union (ITU) etc.
As the Project Director, Dr. Chandra implemented a World Bank assisted Project, in the Ministry of Communications & IT, on the “National Radio Spectrum Management and Monitoring System”. As Wireless Adviser, besides major responsibilities, he was extensively involved in the auction of 3 G and 4 G radio spectrum.
Role in Ministry of Human Resource Development
During the period 1992 to 1999, Dr. Chandra was on deputation to the Technical Education Bureau, Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development and headed various Divisions in the Bureau dealing with all the matters related to the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc Bangalore), and other National level Technical Institutions in the country etc. He has successfully implemented the scheme of the Technology Development Missions (TDMs) in seven generic areas of technology at IITs & IISc. Under this scheme, for the first time the collaborating industries participated directly in a mission mode. During his stint in the Bureau of Technical Education, he took major initiatives including establishment of new institutes of national excellence.
Role of Dr. Chandra in ITU
– Dr. Chandra served for four years as the Vice-Chairman of Study Group-5 of ITU-Radio Communications. He has a very long association with ITU. He has attended several meetings/conferences of ITU/APT particularly ITU-R sector, made significant contributions and successfully defended national interests in line with the Radio Regulations.
– Attended Plenipotentiary Conferences (PP Conferences).
– Attended World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRCs).
– He attended in the ITU-Council meetings in the capacity of a ‘Councilor’ from the Indian Administration.
Invited Lectures:
Dr. Chandra has delivered lectures, keynote addresses at various Technical/Scientific and Public fora in India and abroad on Radio Spectrum Management, Indoor Mobile Communications and recent technological development in Wireless Communications. He has chaired various Technical Sessions at International and National Conferences, for the past more than 20 years. He had delivered lecture series at Technical Universities in Germany and Denmark. He has been delivering lecture series at IITs and other National level Institutions. He has vast experiences in taking tutorials on ‘Wireless communications and Radio Spectrum Management’ at several technical institutes.
Toutorial 4 – [Cancelled] Dashboard Design: Applying the Principles of Data Visualization for Business Intelligence and Analytics

In this tutorial the theory and principles of data visualization will be presented applied to the context of Business Intelligence and decision-making. In particular, the tutorial will focus on the design of dashboards for different analytical purposes, including operational and strategic decision support.
Stephen Few (2006) defines a dashboard as a “visual display of the most important information needed to achieve one or more objectives that has been consolidated on a single computer screen so it can be monitored and understood at a glance”. This definition highlights some key aspects of dashboard design. First, dashboards are linked to decision support, providing the appropriate visual displays with the right information (at the right time and with the right context) that enables the decision maker to act upon relevant information. Second, dashboards focus on the most important information, meaning that some options need to be taken at design time, to avoid clutter. Third, dashboards are a type of visualization that needs to be rapidly understood and analyzed by users. Current research and practice on dashboard design promote the use of visual perception principles, which are important to deliver these key aspects. The main challenges of dashboard design are therefore to learn how to stand out the most important information and how to arrange consistently and coherently the layout of a dashboard to efficiently support decisionmaking.
Prior experience in Workshops / tutorials organization:
Elsa Cardoso has organized several workshops and master classes in business intelligence and data visualization.
As leader of the Business Intelligence Task Force of EUNIS – the European University Information Systems organization – she organized several workshops on Learning Analytics for the EUNIS members. In particular, the following contributions were specifically dedicated to data visualization:
– The EUNIS learning analytics workshop: using data to enhance learning and teaching, held at Aalto University Foundation, Helsinki, Finland, 11-12 October 2018. In this workshop she was also responsible for a one-day tutorial on Designing student dashboards. This tutorial was divided into two parts. Part one covered the theory and principles of data visualization and part two was dedicated to hand-on design. Both sessions had around 25 participants.
– A master class (3h) on Data visualization fundamentals for Business Intelligence for the EUNIS Business Intelligence Task Force pre-congress event, that took place at Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 7, 2016.
Elsa Cardoso
Elsa Cardoso is an Assistant Professor at Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), in the Information Science and Technologies Department of the School of Technology and Architecture, in Portugal, where she coordinates several courses on Business Intelligence and Decision Support Systems. She is a researcher at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-IUL) and at the Information and Decision Support Systems Group of INESC-ID Lisboa, Portugal. She has a PhD (European Doctorate) in Information Sciences and Technologies from ISCTE-IUL, with a specialization in Business Intelligence. During her PhD she was an international scholar, at the Faculty of Business and Economics of Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, in Belgium. She has a MSc in Computer Science and Engineering and a Licenciate degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (with a specialization in Control and Robotics) from Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, in Portugal. Her research interests include business intelligence, data warehouse, data visualization, visual analytics, and strategic information systems (Balanced Scorecard) applied to Healthcare, Higher Education, and Digital Humanities. She has supervised several PhD and MSc students and participates in other European research projects. She was the leader of the Business Intelligence Task Force of EUNIS (European University Information Systems organization) from 2013 until early 2019.