The minutes of the WPMC Steering Board Committee meeting
18:00-20:00, Monday, October 31, 2022, at Herning, Denmark.
Followings are the participants who attended the meeting
1. Chaired by Ramjee Prasad, Denmark
2. Shingo Ohmori, Japan
3. Fumiyuki Adachi, Japan
4. Hiroshi Harada, Japan
5. Naoto Kadowaki, Japan
6. Anand Prasad, Japan
7. Anders Frederiksen, Denmark
8. Peter Lindgren, Denmark
9. Albena Mihovska, Denmark
10. Uma Jha, USA
11. Neeli Prasad, USA
12. Kwang-Cheng Chen, USA
13. Ragini Mishra, India (Notetaker)
Agenda 1: Welcome and Introduction
• Prof. Dr. Shingo Ohmori from Japan & Prof. Dr. Ramjee Prasad from Denmark,
welcomed all Steering Board Members
• Followed by all members’ introductions.
Agenda 2: Presentation of WPMC 2021
• WPMC’21 was presented by Dr. Naoto Kadowaki, NICT Japan, his presentation will be shared as soon as received.
• WPMC’21 was conducted in hybrid mode in Okayama, Japan from December 12 to December 16, 2021.
• 74 papers were selected out of 120 papers submitted.
• The paper acceptance rate is 61.66 %.
• Face-to-face attendance was only from Japan, the rest attended in online mode.
Agenda 3: Presentation of WPMC 2022
Agenda 3: Presentation of WPMC 2022
• WPMC 22 was presented by Dr. Albena Mihovska, CTIF Global Capsule, Aarhus University, Herning Denmark.
Her presentation is attached herewith.
• WPMC’22 was organized in face-to-face mode from October 30 to November 2, 2022.
• 100 papers were selected out of 166 papers submitted.
• The paper acceptance rate is 62%.
• Total of 15 awards were distributed, wherein 6 awards were from Japan, 6 from CTIF
Global Capsule, 3 from the Department of Business Development and Technology,
and a Book by River Publication on ‘6G Enabling Technologies’ was awarded to each winner.
• There were Keynote speakers from all over the world. Their talk was very much informative and full l knowledge. Further, there had been invited speakers every day from Asia, Europe, and North America.
• WPMC’22 started Sunday, October 30, 2022, starting with a tutorial in the morning with a welcome reception addressed by Prof. Dr. Ramjee Prasad.
• The conference was officially inaugurated in the morning of Monday, October 31, 2022, by Prof. Dr. Anders Frederiksen from Denmark, Prof. Dr. Shingo Ohmori from Japan, Prof. Dr. Ramjee Prasad from Denmark, and Dr. Naoto Kadowaki from Japan.
• There was a keynote speaker in the morning, Dr. Howard Benn from the UK, then the technical session continued for the whole day.
• In the evening there was a WPMC steering board meeting.
• Dr Ramjee Prasad’s 150 PhDs’ celebration was organized followed by a Gala dinner
• There was a Danish cultural program during the Gala dinner on Tuesday, November 1, 2022.
• On the last day, November 2, 2022, there were two keynote speakers, two invited talks, and technical sessions.
• WPMC’22 was concluded by Prof Dr. Ramjee Prasad, CTIF Global Capsule.
Agenda 4 Presentation of WPMC’23
• WPMC’23 was presented by Prof. Dr. Kwang-Cheng Chen from the University of South Florida, USA. His presentation is attached herewith.
• The WPMC’23 will be organized a face-to-face event in Orlando, Florida, USA from November 28 to December 1, 2023.
• It is expected that there will be 160 regular papers and 15 online presentations. Online sessions are for those who cannot get a visa.
• Deadline for paper submission is July 1, 2023.
Agenda 5: Future WPMC
• As per the practice, future WPMC’24 will be held in Asia and board members decided to be held it in India.
• WPMC’24 has been presented by Prof. Ragini Mishra from the University of Mumbai, India.
• She will follow the pattern of WPMC’22 as a face-to-face event. Its further details will be forwarded to the board members in due course.
• WPMC’25 will be held in Europe may be in Bulgaria. (Message was given by Prof. Dr. Ramjee Prasad after the meeting). Therefore, it is included in the minutes for the
information of all the steering board members.
• WPMC’26 will be held in either North or South America.
Agenda 6: New Board Members
• New board members will be decided in due course.
• All are requested to propose and forward the name to Prof. Dr. Ramjee Prasad and Prof Dr. Shingo Ohmori
Agenda 7: Any Other Business
• No other business.
Agenda 8: Next Meeting
• Next meeting will be held during WPMC’23 in Orland, Florida, USA on Wednesday, November 29, 2023.