The original official website is now active. This site is a summary for the archives of WPMC series.
Please visit the following official website for more detailed information and questions.

30 October-2 November 2022
Themed “5G Way Forward to 6G,” this conference will feature a comprehensive, high-quality technical program that includes technical sessions,a variety of tutorials, and workshops.
WPMC will include an attractive industry program aimed at practitioners, with keynotes and panels from prominent research, industry, and government leaders, business and industry panels, and vendor exhibits.
WPMC aims to promote knowledge sharing, network, and collaborative activities in the wireless techno-business modelling.
WPMC2022 was successfully finished. The program of WPMC2022 are shown after the reports of WPMC2022.
Reports of WPMC2022
WPMC2022 Best Paper Award Winners

Statistics of WPMC2022

Photo Gallery
WPMC2022 Information
Fumiyuki Adachi, Tohoku University, Japan

Fumiyuki Adachi joined the NTT in 1973 and conducted various types of research of digital cellular mobile communications. From 1992 to 1999, he was with NTT DoCoMo, Inc., where he led a research group on Wideband CDMA for 3G systems. Since January 2000, he has been with Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. Currently, he is a Professor Emeritus of Tohoku University. He is leading a resilient wireless communication research group aiming at 5G advanced systems as a Specially Appointed Research Fellow at International Research Institute of Disaster Science. His research interests are in the area of wireless signal processing and networking. He is an IEEE Life Fellow and an IEICE Life Fellow. He was a recipient of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Avant Garde Award 2000, IEICE Achievement Award 2002, Thomson Scientific Research Front Award 2004, Prime Minister Invention Award 2010, IEEE VTS Stuart Meyer Memorial Award 2017, IEEE ComSoc RCC Technical Recognition Award 2017, etc.
Ana Garcia Armada, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain

Ana García Armada is currently a Professor at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, where she is leading the Communications Research Group. She has been a visiting scholar at Stanford University, Bell Labs and University of Southampton. Her research has resulted in more than 200 publications in international journals and conferences, as well as five patents. She is an Editor of IEEE Transactions on Communications, Area Editor of IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, Editor of the ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, and is a regular member of the technical program committees of the most relevant international conferences in his field. She has been part of the organizing committee of the IEEE Globecom 2019, 2021 (General Chair) and 2022, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Spring 2018, 2019 and Fall 2018, IEEE 5G Summit 2017, among others. She is the Vice-chair of the IEEE ComSoc Signal Processing and Computing for Communications Committee. She has been Secretary and Chair of the IEEE ComSoc Women in Communications Engineering Standing Committee. From January 2022 she is the Vice President of Member and Global Activities of IEEE ComSoc. She has held various management positions at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, including: Deputy Director of the Telecommunications Engineering degree, Deputy Vice Chancellor for International Relations and Director of the Department of Signal Theory and Communications. She has received the Award of Excellence from the Social Council and the Award for Best Teaching Practices from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, as well as the third place Bell Labs Prize 2014, the Outstanding Service Award 2019 from the SPCE committee of the IEEE Communications Society and the Outstanding Service Award 2020 from the Women in Communications Engineering (WICE) standing committee.
Howard Benn, Samsung Electronics R&D Institute, United Kingdom

Howard started his career in the fixed telecommunication sector (Plessey) back in 1982, did his degree and PhD at Bradford University, moving into radio based communications in 1989. He started working in ETSI GSM standards committees in 1993, helping create 3GPP and chairing 3GPP RAN 4 from 1998 to 2007. He has been a board member of ETSI since 2008, is currently advising the ICANN board on mobile technology, and a member of a number of advisory boards for UK universities and research programs. His current role is ‘Vice President Communications Research’ for Samsung Electronics R&D Institute in the UK, managing a team of engineers covering ETSI, 3GPP, and GSMA. Recently has become a visiting Professor at Bristol University. He also sits on the UK5G government advisory committee looking at the future of communications technology in the UK, and an advisor to the UK government on international free trade agreements.
Kwang-Cheng Chen, IEEE Fellow, Professor, University of South Florida, USA

Kwang-Cheng Chen has been a Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of South Florida, since 2016. From 1987 to 2016, Dr. Chen worked with SSE, Communications Satellite Corp., IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, National Tsing Hua University, HP Labs., and National Taiwan University in mobile communications and networks. He visited TU Delft (1998), Aalborg University (2008), Sungkyunkwan University (2013), and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2012-2013, 2015-2016). He founded a wireless IC design company in 2001, which was acquired by MediaTek Inc. in 2004. He has been actively involving in the organization of various IEEE conferences and serving editorships with a few IEEE journals (most recently as a series editor on Data Science and AI for Communications in the IEEE Communications Magazine), together with various IEEE volunteer services to the IEEE, Communications Society, Vehicular Technology Society, and Signal Processing Society, such as founding the Technical Committee on Social Networks in the IEEE Communications Society. Dr. Chen also has contributed essential technology to various international standards, namely IEEE 802 wireless LANs, Bluetooth, LTE and LTE-A, 5G-NR, and ITU-T FG ML5G. He has authored and co-authored over 300 IEEE publications, 4 books published by Wiley and River (most recently, Artificial Intelligence in Wireless Robotics, 2019), and more than 23 granted US patents. Dr. Chen is an IEEE Fellow and has received a number of awards including 2011 IEEE COMSOC WTC Recognition Award, 2014 IEEE Jack Neubauer Memorial Award, 2014 IEEE COMSOC AP Outstanding Paper Award. Dr. Chen’s current research interests include wireless networks, quantum communications and computations, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and machine learning, IoT/CPS, and social networks.
Mona Ghassemian

Mona Ghassemian has over 20 years of experience in the wireless and telecom research in industry and academia. She currently works at Huawei Advanced wireless Technology Lab as 6G principal expert on industry vertical, working on strategic R&D roadmap of key technologies (particularly in vertical industries) relevant for next generation mobile communication system design. Prior to her current role, in her senior manager role at InterDigital Inc, she led a research team on the next generation networking. She worked as a principal research scientist at British Telecom (BT) Research and Technology with a focus on future networks and security. Prior to her industry roles, she worked as a lecturer and senior lecturer at KCL, Greenwich and SBU supervising over a 100 postdocs, PhD and MSc researchers.
She has published over 70 papers, 13 patents, 2 book chapters and several contributions to 3GPP, IEEE and IETF standard organisations. She is a member of IEEE SA 1918.1 (Tactile Internet) since 2016, and is currently the IEEE UK & Ireland section past-chair, the IEEE Region 8 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and the MGA nomination committees member.
Celia Shahnaz, Department of EEE, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Celia Shannaz is an SMIEEE, Fellow IEB, received Ph.D. degree from Concordia University, Canada and is currently a Professor at, Department of EEE, BUET, Bangladesh since 2015. She has published more than 150 international journal/conference papers. She is a recipient of the Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship/Fellowship and Bangladesh Academy of Science Gold Medal for her contribution in Science and Technology. Her research interests include the areas of signal processing for speech analysis and speech enhancement, audio-visual recognition for biometric security, control system, robotics, pattern recognition, machine learning and deep learning for audio, video, biomedical, power signals, multimodal emotion recognition, and humanitarian technology. She is the recipient of the 2021 IEEE MGA Achievement Award, 2021 Inspiring Women in Academia Award from Bangladesh brand forum, 2019 R10 Humanitarian Activities Outstanding Volunteer Award, 2016 MGA Leadership Award 2015 WIE Inspiring Member Award, 2013 R10 WIE Professional Volunteer Award. She has been elected as 2022 IEEE WIE Committee Chair-Elect and she will serve as the 2023-2024 IEEE WIE Committee Chair. She has been appointed as 2022-23 Member, IEEE New Initiative Committee, 2021-23 Chair, IEEE SPS Women in Signal Processing, 2021-23 Liaison between IEEE SPS and IEEE WIE.
Damla Turgut, University of Central Florida, USA

Dr. Turgut is Charles Millican Professor of Computer Science at the University of Central Florida (UCF). She is the co-director of the AI Things Laboratory. She held visiting researcher positions at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Imperial College of London, and KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Her research interests include wireless ad hoc, sensor, underwater, vehicular, and social networks, edge/cloud computing, smart cities, smart grids, IoT-enabled healthcare and augmented reality, as well as considerations of privacy in the Internet of Things. Dr. Turgut serves on several editorial boards and program committees of prestigious ACM and IEEE journals and conferences. Her most recent honors include the NCWIT 2021 Mentoring Award for Undergraduate Research (MAUR), the UCF Research Incentive Award, and the UCF Women of Distinction Award. Since 2019, she serves as the N2Women Board Co-Chair where she co-leads the activities of the N2Women Board in supporting female researchers in the fields of networking and communications. She is an IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Senior Member, the Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Social Networks (TCSN), and the Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC).
Honorary Chair of WPMC 2022

Prof. Anders Frederiksen Head of Department BTECH, Aarhus University, Herning, Denmark
General Chair of WPMC 2022

Prof. Ramjee Prasad CGC-BTECH, AU, Herning, Denmark
Conference Operation Chair

Dr. Markus Eisenhauer CGC- BTECH, AU, Herning, Denmark
Technical Program Chair (TPC)

Prof. Peter Lindgren, CGC-BTECH, AU, Herning, Denmark
TPC Co-Chair America

Prof Ashutosh Dutta,
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, USA
TPC Co-Chair Asia Pacific

Prof. Hiroshi HARADA, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
TPC Co-Chair Europe

Dr. Albena Mihovska, CGC-BTECH, AU, Herning, Denmark
TPC Co-Chair America

Dr. Neeli Rashmi Prasad, VehicleAvatar, USA
Publication & Promotion Chair

Dr. Ambuj Kumar, CGC- BTECH, AU, Herning, Denmark
Finance Chair

Head of Secretariat Mikkel Nørgaard, BTECH, AU, Herning, Denmark
Call for papers
The 25th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC 22), technically sponsored by IEEE Denmark Section, will be held in Herning, Denmark, from October 30 – November 2, 2022.
WPMC aims to promote knowledge sharing, network, and collaborative activities in the wireless techno-business modelling. The objective is to respond to 6G and its pervasiveness for socio-techno-economic paradigm and business, processes, competencies, and models. A key emphasis is on the secured, swift, and seamless transition from the present to the future 6G paradigm, bridging across industries, public and private, universities, research labs, and other knowledge societies in exploration of the newest technologies and pursuing innovative ways of living, conducting business, traveling, etc. towards sustainable solutions. It fosters higher education and training by hosting peer tutorials, publications, research papers, and posters presentations. It will also be publicized and disseminated through local and social media platforms for knowledge distribution to integrate and update with the latest know-hows towards interdisciplinary technical science and research.
Regular sessions (Themes and Tracks):
- Future Wireless Communications (Physical Layer)-VLC, 5G, 6G, and Beyond QoS, Security, Trust, and Privacy (All layers)
- VAT, Autonomous Vehicles, UAVs, Satellite Navigation, Positioning, and Timing
- Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Cryptography. Ultra wideband, mm-Wave, and THz communications (Wireless Communication System)
- Radar and Antenna Theory, Design (including Smart Antenna) and Application
- Spectrum Management for Wireless Communications including mm-Wave, Ultra-Wide Band and, Tera Hz Communication
- Internet of Things (IoT), M2M Communications, Industrial IoT (IIoT) I4.0, I5.0
- Immersive Telepresence and Wearable Devices (including for Telemedicine and Dentistry)
- Business Model Innovation for Green Technology and non-conventional Approaches in Health, Smart Regions, and Social Science.
- Power Electronics
- Signal Processing
Special Sessions:
- Young Researchers in all themes (age less than 25)
- Women in Engineering
- Green Business Models
- Sixth Generation Communications, Sensors and Machine Intelligence
- Power Electronics for future wireless communications
Submission types
Regular Sessions
Submitted papers will be reviewed and accepted with a normal review process.
Accepted papers will be assigned to relevant regular sessions. Session Chair will be assigned by TPC (Technical Program Committee).
Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings and in IEEE Digital Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing databases.
Special Sessions
- Young Researchers in all themes (age less than 25)
- Women in Engineering
- Green Business Models
- Sixth Generation Communications, Sensors and Machine Intelligence
- Power Electronics for future wireless communications
In the Special Sessions, submitted papers will be reviewed like contributed papers. The papers will be included in the WPMC2022 Proceedings, but not be published in IEEE Digital Xplore.
All presenters including Coordinators will pay the full registration fee. Other requirements are the same to Regular Sessions.
Manuscript Submission Guidelines
- Prospective authors are kindly invited to submit full text papers including results, tables, figures and references.
- Full text papers (.pdf, IEEE Xplore complaint) will be only accepted by Electronic Submission System (EDAS).
- The length should not be longer than six A4 pages.
- Articles submitted to the Conference should meet these criteria and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- Manuscripts should follow the style of the Conference and are subject to both review and editing.
- After a paper has been accepted, a minimum of one author from the accepted paper MUST register at the full registration fee (member or non-member) BEFORE the registration deadline (TBA)
- Accepted papers which do not have an author registered at the full registration fee by that deadline will be removed from the Conference Proceedings and IEEE Digital Xplore.
- Refunds of registration fees will not be made under any circumstances following the inclusion of the paper in the Conference Proceedings.
- Online final camera-ready manuscript submission system will be opened until: 30th August, 2022
- Both Special session papers and Regular papers are encouraged.
- Copyright & Speaker biography must be uploaded. (Templates can be downloaded from EDAS)
- Manuscript MUST BE checked via PDF eXpress PLUS (Conference ID: 55625).
PDF Conversion
Log in to the IEEE PDF eXpress site
First-time users should do the following:
- Select the new user
- Enter the following:
- 55625X for the conference ID
- your email address
- a password
- Continue to enter information as prompted.
* An Online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup.
* Previous users of PDF eXpress need to follow the above steps, but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences. Verify that your contact information is valid.
- Sp. Session Proposals, March 31, 2022
- Special Session Paper submission- July 20, 2022 (extended)
- Paper Submission, July 15, 2022 (extended)
- Tutorial Proposals, May 31, 2022
- Workshop Proposals, May 31, 2022
- Technical Panel Proposals, August 31, 2022
- Acceptance Notification, September 15, 2022
- Final Manuscript Submission, September 24, 2022
Accepted with a peer review process, presented papers will be published and indexed in IEEE Digital Explorer.
Accepted with a normal review process, and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings and published in IEEE Digital Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing databases.
At least one author of each accepted paper MUST register and present the paper at the conference in order that the paper is to be included in the program.
Accepted papers which do not have an author registered at the full registration fee by (TBA) will be removed from the Conference Proceedings and IEEE Xplore.
Early Bird – Registration – Non-IEEE Member (ends 30 September, 2022) |
700 (5,210.00 dkk) |
Early Bird – Registration – IEEE Member (ends 30 September, 2022) |
600 (4,500.00 dkk) |
Early Bird – Student Registration – Non-IEEE Member (ends 30 September, 2022) |
450 (3,350.00 dkk) |
Early Bird – Student Registration – IEEE Member (ends 30 September, 2022) |
400 (2,980.00 dkk) |
Late – Registration – Non-IEEE Member |
750 (5,590.00 dkk) |
Late – Registration – IEEE Member |
650 (4,840.00 dkk) |
Late – Student Registration – Non-IEEE Member |
480 (3,580.00 dkk) |
Late – Student Registration – IEEE Member |
430 (3,200.00 dkk) |
Tutorials on Sunday – Non-IEEE Member |
220 (1,640.00 dkk) |
Tutorials on Sunday – IEEE Member |
190 (1,410.00 dkk) |
Tutorials on Sunday – Student Registration-Non IEEE Member |
150 (1,120.00 dkk) |
Tutorials on Sunday – Student Registration -IEEE Member |
130 (970.00 dkk) |
One day Fee – Non-IEEE Member – No Galla Dinner |
260 (1,940.00) |
One day Fee – IEEE Member – No Galla Dinner |
230 (1,710.00 dkk) |
One day Fee – Student Non-IEEE Member – No Galla Dinner |
220 (1,640.00 dkk) |
One day Fee – Student IEEE Member – No Galla Dinner |
190 (1,420.00 dkk) |
Additional Paper Registration |
Banquet Extra-ticket (Galla Dinner) |
125 (930.00 dkk) |
Dinner Monday Evening (Dinner at MCH-2 courses incl. beverge) |
60 (450.00 dkk) |
Tutorials address:
Aarhus University – BTECH, Birk Centerpark 15, 7400 Herning, Denmark
Conference address:
Monday – Wednesday:
MCH Herning Kongrescenter, Østergade 37, Herning, Denmark
Parking is available with parking pass. If you need a parking pass, please email
Registration will take place just inside the building by the entrance (Ground floor)


Public Transport in Herning
An important part of a great experience is to have all the practical aspects planned out, so you can enjoy what you came for, namely the event itself. Here you can find all the necessary information and help planning your visit.
Find your way to both venues
Click to browse the map
Below you can find a list of hotels suggested for the conference.
In order to receive the special conference rate, please book the hotel through the conference registration form. If you try to book independently, there may no longer be rooms available due to other events in Herning.
DGI Huset ***

Including breakfast
Kousgaards Plads 3, 7400 Herning
Price from: Euro 162 | 1200 dkk
Webpage: DGI Huset Herning
Distance: 0 m (a part of MCH)
Hotel EYDE ****

Including breakfast
Torvet 1, 7400 Herning
Price from: Euro 168 | 1245 dkk
Booking by conference registration
Webpage: Eyde
Distance to MCH: 400 m
Scandic Regina ***

Including breakfast
Fonnesbechsgade 20, 7400 Herning
Price from: Euro 172 | 1275 dkk
Webpage: Scandic Regina
Distance to MCH: 400 m
Herning City Hotel ***
Including breakfast
Skolegade 1,7400 Herning
Price from: Euro 124 | 925 dkk
Webpage: Herning City Hotel
Distance to MCH: 500 m
Østergaards Hotel ***

Including breakfast
Silkeborgvej 94, 7400 Herning
Price from: Euro 108 | 800 dkk
Webpage: Østergaards Hotel
Distance to MCH: 1,8 Km
Public Transport in Herning
An important part of a great experience is to have all the practical aspects planned out, so you can enjoy what you came for, namely the event itself. Here you can find all the necessary information and help planning your visit.
To see the latest COVID-19 restrictions in Denmark, please check the official COVID-19 website.
Visa Information
When making your plans to visit Denmark, check to see if you will need a visa to enter Denmark here.
To apply for a short-term visa visit to Denmark, apply thorugh the official portal at New To Denmark.
We are able to provide an invitation letter from Aarhus University, host of the WPMC 2022. To request an official inviation letter, please send an email to A completed letter will be emailed to you within 48 hours. If you sumbit the form after 12.00 CET on Friday, the invitation letter will be emailed to you the following week.
If you have any questions, please email Emily at
- Billund Airport –
- Aalborg Airport –
- Copenhagen Airport –
Transport from the airports
Billund Airport to Herning City: (Preferred airport)
- Taxa Midt (Herning) – Price Euro 140 (Approx)
phone: +45 97 12 07 77
- Go Shuttle (Taxi) – (only prebooked trips) Price Euro 148 (Approx)
including free wifi and water on the trip
phone: +45 21 94 75 26 - Bus – Price Euro 10 (Approx) See more about the buses
Aalborg Airport to Herning City:
- Flix Bus – Price Euro 35 (Approx) See more about Flix Bus
Copenhagen Airport(Kastrup) to Herning City:
- Flix Bus – Only on Saturdays and Sundays – Price Euro 25 (Approx) See more about the Flix Bus
- Train – Price Euro 28 (Approx) See more about transport by train